
Cava Packager is a bit off topic for this group - but, I've checked v1.3 code, and sure enough File::Glob isn't packaged by default. (Which is an error / oversight ).
You need to add it as kindly suggested by Steffen.

I'm 100% sure it was included by default in a prior version. Oh well.


On 19/08/2010 13:56, Steffen Mueller wrote:
Hi Daniel,

Daniel wrote:
I use the glob() function inside a perl script. If I compile this to
an exe-file using Cava Packager, I get the error message:

Can't locate File/Glob.pm in @INC
at program start.
But this is not an extra modul or is it?

Well, it's a core module that's implicitly loaded when you use glob()
for the first time. Just include it in the package using the normal Cava
UI. I'm surprised it's not in by default.


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