
The problem is that Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't seem to ship with the libwx_gtk2u_media-2.8.so, probably because configure doesn't find gstreamer at build time, but I don't know.

Anyhow, Wx therefore doesn't build Wx::MediaCtrl - which is correct.

Wx::Demo should skip the media test in this case. I'll patch Wx::Demo in due course.

If you want Wx::MediaCtrl, (amongst other things ) ensure the runtime and dev libs for gstreamer and freeglut are installed on Ubuntu, and build Alien::wxWidgets with something like:

perl Build.PL --wxWidgets-extraflags="--enable-graphics_ctx --disable-compat26 --enable-mediactrl --with-libjpeg=builtin --with-libpng=builtin --with-regex=builtin --with-libtiff=builtin --with-zlib=builtin --with-expat=builtin --with-libxpm=builtin" --wxWidgets-build='yes' --wxWidgets-source='tar.gz' --wxWidgets-unicode=1 --wxWidgets-build-opengl=1 --wxWidgets-version=2.8.11

perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install

Check the Alien/wxWidgets/....

in your perl @inc to ensure libwx_gtk2u_media-2.8.so and perhaps libwx_gtk2u_gl-2.8.so have been built.

A Wx build should then get you a working Wx::MediaCtrl.



On 14/01/2011 11:48, steve.cook...@sca-uk.com wrote:
  Hi Guys,

  There seem to be some real installation problems on Ubuntu 10.10,
Maverick Meerkat.    The main problem is that Wx/Media is not installed
along with any MediaCtrl functionality.  Secondary to this Wx::Demo does
not install either because of the 'use Wx::DemoModules::wxMediaCtrl' in

  I have advertised this here and on PerlMonks
(http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=881661).  [1]

  The error message for Wx::Demo is:

     #   Failed test 'use Wx::DemoModules::wxMediaCtrl;'

     #   at t/01_load.t line 38.

     #   Tried to use 'Wx::DemoModules::wxMediaCtrl'.

There is no error message from the original Wx install, but a critical
part that installs Wx/Media is not executed in the makefile.  (See
http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=881925). [2]

  Sorry to push this,  but it if Wx::Demo does not install on an operating
system, it seems to me that this is quite a problem because new users need
it to start using Wx.

  Any ideas or suggestions, much appreciated.



[1] http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=881661).
[2] http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=881925).

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