From: "Johan Vromans" <>
"Octavian Rasnita" <> writes:


I have tried to define an accelerator for a button, then I've seen that the accelerator for menu items work on more platforms so I've tried to define an accelerator for a menu item, but it still doesn't work.

I've defined the menu item:

$self->{FileStop} = $self->{FileMenu}->Append(-1, t("S&top\tEsc"));

#... then the accelerator:
my $accelerator = Wx::AcceleratorTable->new
  ([wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_ESCAPE, $self->{FileStop}]);
$self->SetAcceleratorTable( $accelerator );

The 3rd arg needs to be a command id.
$self->{FileStop} contains the boolean result from appending the menu

Aha, I understand. I thought that the third item must be the ID of the menu item. (But I think the ID of the menu item is returned by the Append() method, because I can use that value when defining events for it.)

Please tell me how to get the ID of the command that should execute a certain function. I've seen only examples when Escape is used for closing a window, but I need it for executing a certain function.



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