Hi Ian,

> We're just preparing our app for production release, so we're adjusting
> gtk theme for prettiness, and somewhere along the line, Wx::Choice
> behaviour has changed so that the list is only displayed while the mouse
> button is pressed, instead being popped up by the first click and down by
> the second. >

It would help to know what your config is.

> This behaviour holds true for similar controls in other
> applications, so it does seem like a system-wide setting has changed.

Non-wxPerl apps too?

> I've reverted everything I can without success, which I find somewhat
> surprising. (We've changed several things at once, hence the problem.)

Does it only happen on your machine or does it happen on other machines?

If you switch to a Readonly Wx::ComboBox does it do the same thing or does
the behaviour disappear?  Maybe this could be a temporary workaround while
you fix the problem?



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