
On 04/04/2013 20:43, Wallace Winfrey wrote:
I am trying to build Wx 0.9918 with my perlbrew-managed 5.16.2
(w/threads) install, and I get the following failures during the test.
Is there something I'm missing? The Google was unhelpful in assisting
me in my search for resolution.

Google harder :-)

Without seeing your full build output, this is a bit of a stab in the dark, but I'll guess you built and installed your own wxWidgets or are using the system installed wxWidgets?

Download the Alien wxWidgets source, extract and do

perl Build.PL

you want to build wxWidgets 2.9.4. This may not be the default if Alien::wxWidgets picks up some other build.

perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install

After that your Wx build and install should work.

Reasons for failure - wxWidgets 2.9.4 is broken as far as wxPerl is concerned - Alien::wxWidgets build applies back-ported patches. wxWidgets series 2.8.x requires a lot of hoop jumping in your Perl Brew if you really want the 2.8.x wxWidgets version.



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