I would like to bind a TextChanged event with a Wx::TextCtrl.

I have this that works:

EVT_TEXT($frame, $w, sub{$self->Test($w)});
Where $frame is the top level frame, $w the field that emit the signal.

I'm trying to use the Wx::Perl::PubSub module, but none of these works

$w->subscribe('TextChanged', sub{$self->Test($w)} );
Does nothing

$w->subscribe('TextChanged', $self, 'Test');
Crash with
not a code ref at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Wx/Perl/PubSub.pm line 377.
        Wx::Perl::PubSub::emit(Wx::TextCtrl=SCALAR(0x4bd19bc), "TextChanged", "1
0.1111/tpj.12544-modd") called at C:/strawberry/perl/site/lib/Wx/Perl/PubSub.pm
line 390
        Wx::Perl::PubSub::emit_event(Wx::TextCtrl=SCALAR(0x4bd19bc), Wx::Command
Event=SCALAR(0x406fcec), "TextChanged", "10.1111/tpj.12544-modd") called at C:/s
trawberry/perl/site/lib/Wx/Perl/PubSub/Events.pm line 205
x4bd19bc), Wx::CommandEvent=SCALAR(0x406fcec)) called at U:\docs\perl\wxw\refsui
.pl line 26
        eval {...} called at U:\docs\perl\wxw\refsui.pl line 26

$w->subscribe('TextChanged', $frame, 'Test');
Remains silent

Where Test is
sub Test {
my ($self, $w) = @_;
print $w->GetValue. "\n";


Thanks for any help


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