Hi Meir,

The book ³Learning Perl/Tk² contains such a section in the Preface called
³What You Should Already Know². So, I think it should also be included in
³Learning wxPerl². Thanks.



On 31/01/16 2:41 AM, "Meir Guttman" <mguttm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Ron and everyone,
> What I don't remember being discussed is the audience. Sorry if I am trying to
> kick down an open door though.
> We need to define the typical reader's past experience and prerequisites (with
> links to the uninitiated) in various fields:
> * Perl itself 
> * C++ 
> * 
> * OOP 
> * GUI in general 
> * Other GUI systems (Tk, Win32, VB, etc.)
> May be a suggested test with minimal score to proceed?
> Best regards
> Meir
>   -- Meir
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Good evening all,
>> Attached are the current design docs for the book.
>> Part II ­ The wxPerl Widgets is now completed. It lists all the Wx widgets
>> that I intend to cover in the book.
>> James¹ list of widgets & classes extracted from the wxwidgets documentation
>> makes evident that there are many more that I havn¹t covered. However, for an
>> introductory book, I feel that what I¹ve listed is adequate and appropriate.
>> I am of course always open to comments & suggestions.
>> Part III ­ wxPerl Layout Management has now commenced. I intend to spend
>> considerable time on this part since I have really struggled in the past with
>> sizers and maintaining correct window layout after resizing. I think other
>> people have had similar difficulties.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Ron.
>> On 23/01/16 11:11 PM, "Ron Grunwald" <ron...@yahoo.com.au
>> <http://ron...@yahoo.com.au> > wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Attached are the latest version of the design documents. I¹ve started to
>>> separate the content into parts. I think the list of widgets and classes
>>> that will be discussed in the book has developed quite nicely. Next week I
>>> will begin with ³Part III ­ wxPerl Layout Management², where all the
>>> different types of sizers and how to use them will be listed.
>>> On a slightly different topic, I¹m not sure what the consensus was regarding
>>> including a section ³A simple wxPerl program² in Part I. James indicated in
>>> an earlier post that it should be included:
>>>> > I think there will be(at least) three Application Architectures.
>>>> > 
>>>> >     1. A very short "Hello World" script for the intro section
>>>> >     2. A Longer script for basic apps(I'll send you the one I use)
>>>> >     3. A complex app script/cookbook for big apps/external
>>>> interfaces/etc.
>>> My own view is that we should include it, and the design doc currently lists
>>> it immediately following the section ³Structure of a wxPerl program². Meir
>>> had some doubt that it would have any value.
>>> If we could come to an agreement on this, that would be brilliant.
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Ron.
>>> On 16/01/16 10:28 PM, "Ron Grunwald" <ron...@yahoo.com.au
>>> <http://ron...@yahoo.com.au> > wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I¹ve attached the updated versions of the book design documents for this
>>>> week. Notably, I¹ve added a third source column to reference material from
>>>> Herbert Breunung¹s wxPerl Tutorial series which was published in the german
>>>> Perl magazine ³$foo².
>>>> For next week I hope to have all the widgets covered that I intend to
>>>> include in the book. My next step then is working out the details for
>>>> geometry management.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ron.
>>>> On 12/01/16 10:33 PM, "Ron Grunwald" <ron...@yahoo.com.au
>>>> <http://ron...@yahoo.com.au> > wrote:
>>>>> Good evening all,
>>>>> I¹ve started to write a design document that I¹m hoping will lead me to a
>>>>> detailed and complete list of chapters that will be covered in the wxPerl
>>>>> book. I¹ve decided to focus on the widgets for now since they will
>>>>> constitute the majority of the book.
>>>>> The initial design document, in RTF format, and the exported HTML file are
>>>>> attached to give you insight into how I¹m approaching this. As this is a
>>>>> working document, I intend to send updated versions by the end of each
>>>>> week. Comments and/or suggestions are always most welcome.
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> Ron Grunwald
>>>>> ron...@yahoo.com.au <http://ron...@yahoo.com.au>
>>>>> http://www.dvlcorner.org

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