Hi Johan,

On 2/02/16 6:51 AM, "Johan Vromans" <jvrom...@squirrel.nl> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Feb 2016 22:37:47 +0800
> Ron Grunwald <ron...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
>> Let me know what you think.
> Good start!

Thank you.

> A quick couple of technical remarks.
> No need to use a big font size like 16. It causes excessive line breaks
> which make program segments very hard to understand.

I'll refrain from using formatted text in that case, and just post content
in plain text from now on.

> Please avoid hard path names, like #!/usr/local/bin/perl. Better
> alternatives are "#! perl" or "#! /bin/env perl". Best is to leave this
> line out.

That's fine. I can see other publications have also omitted the #! line for
complete programs, so I'll follow suite.

> "use 5.14" results in an error. Did you mean "use v5.14"?

OK, that's my first hard lesson learnt - Don't publish code before you've
executed it. I've replaced the line with "use 5.014;" since I prefer numbers
over v-strings.

> Keep up the good work,
> -- Johan

My final comment is that I will try to adhere as closely as I can to the
programming techniques published in the eBook "Modern Perl, Fourth Edition"
by chromatic.


Kind Regards,


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