Tue Apr 04 13:45:34 2017: Request 120933 was acted upon.
Transaction: Ticket created by ja...@froebe.net
       Queue: Wx
     Subject: 0.9928: test hangs on t/14_eh_die.t on Strawberry Perl
 (64bit) Windows 10
   Broken in: 0.9928
    Severity: (no value)
       Owner: Nobody
  Requestors: ja...@froebe.net
      Status: new
 Ticket <URL: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=120933 >

Platform:  Strawberry Perl (64bit) Windows 10
Wx version: 0.9928

test hangs on t/14_eh_die.t Wx window is shown but it doesn't die/close as 
expected. I ended up killing the process which allowed the rest of testing to 
complete successfully.  

'No tests defined for Wx::Perl extension.'
'No tests defined for Wx extension.'
"C:\Perl\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" 
"-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches;
 test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t
t/01_load.t ........... ok
t/02_inheritance.t .... ok
t/03_event.t .......... ok
t/04_userdata.t ....... ok
t/05_timer.t .......... ok
t/06_loadxpm.t ........ ok
t/07_overload.t ....... ok
t/08_ovl_func.t ....... ok
t/09_create_delete.t .. ok
t/10_oor.t ............ ok
t/11_twostage.t ....... ok
t/12_pod.t ............ skipped: Author tests
t/13_nbksizer.t ....... ok
t/14_eh_die.t ......... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
Failed 1/6 subtests
t/15_threads.t ........ No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
t/15_threads.t ........ ok
t/16_stream.t ......... ok
t/17_thread_evt.t ..... No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
t/17_thread_evt.t ..... ok
t/18_unicode.t ........ Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at 
t/18_unicode.t line 8.
t/18_unicode.t ........ ok
t/19_overlay.t ........ ok
t/20_ctx_threads.t .... No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
No such signal: SIGSYS at 
C:/Perl/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Test2/API/Instance.pm line 312.
t/20_ctx_threads.t .... ok
t/21_locale.t ......... ok
t/22_interface.t ...... ok
t/zz_distrib.t ........ skipped: Author tests

Test Summary Report
t/04_userdata.t     (Wstat: 0 Tests: 65 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   25, 33, 41, 57
t/14_eh_die.t       (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 5 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 6 tests but ran 5.
Files=23, Tests=791, 4085 wallclock secs ( 0.20 usr +  0.08 sys =  0.28 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/23 test programs. 0/791 subtests failed.
dmake.exe:  Error code 255, while making 'test_dynamic'
  C:\Perl\STRAWB~1\c\bin\dmake.exe test -- NOT OK
//hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try:
  reports MDOOTSON/Wx-0.9928.tar.gz
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'M/MD/MDOOTSON/Wx-0.9928.tar.gz'.
Failed during this command:
 MDOOTSON/Wx-0.9928.tar.gz                    : make_test NO

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