I mean "make clean-generated", not "make clean".

I am not sure which difference between them is intended. All I can tell is that executing the sequence

        make clean-generated

rebuilds all the sub-targets ("encoder", "common", "cli") apparently completely, only the sub-target "dynamicHDR10" seems to build only changed files; you can see that ~5% are skipped. So I wonder if either CMake builds too little for dynamicHDR10, or too much for the rest, in case of this sequence. Depends on the intended meaning of this target.

Am 06.06.2017, 11:34 Uhr, schrieb Bhavna Hariharan <bha...@multicorewareinc.com>:

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 3:43 PM, Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer <cont...@ligh.de>

I believe that the "dynamicHDR10" sub-target is not yet included in the
"clean-generated" rule, causing previously compiled files not to be deleted
in this directory branch when a cleanup was desired.

Scanning dependencies of target dynamicHDR10
[  1%] Building CXX object dynamicHDR10/CMakeFiles/dynami
# missing many more files here which are not built because their
compilation result probably still exists, despite a previous "make

What are the files that aren't getting cleaned? I tried reproducing the
issue, all the dhdr10 files are being deleted after "make clean" and they
are re-generated after "make".

[  6%] Built target dynamicHDR10
Scanning dependencies of target encoder


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Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer

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Bhavna Hariharan


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Mario *LigH* Rohkrämer

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