Hi everyone,

as previously announced, CFD.direct has decided to sponsor our macOS
Client Development, and XCLOUD.me, has jumped right in and offered us a
special rebate, so we can run two of their smallest instances for the
price of one medium instance.
This means that will be able to offer automated X2GoClient for macOS
builds both for macOS 10.10 (these should work on 10.9 and 10.8 as well)
as well as for macOS 10.12.
The machines have been provisioned today, and Mihai will be setting them
up over the course of the next few days.

Once he's done with that, we'll move on to supporting the POWER platform
directly again (at present, some distributions grab our source and turn
it into packages for their POWER flavor, but there's no official X2Go
repository where you could get stable or nightly builds directly from us).

IBM and the Oregon State University's Open Source Lab have teamed up and
are providing us with four POWER8 virtual machines (with the option to
add more, should the need arise), manageable via an OpenStack WebGUI.
Unlike the previous POWER8 virtual machine that we had, these new
servers are going to be available for us for the foreseeable future.
We intend to run at least two (one for Big-Endian, the other for
Little-Endian) of those machines as Jenkins Build Slaves, just as the
virtual macOS machines, so we will soon be able to provide automated
builds for POWER.  The other two we currently intend to run as demo
servers and for testing and bugsquashing, though we might repurpose them
as Jenkins Build Slaves if it turns out that we need one per Endianess
*and* packaging system (DEB vs. RPM).

There's one bug that's cropped up on POWER8 LE only, and we're already
curious to learn what's causing it, so we're glad we finally have access
to a test environment again.

Here is a quick overview over the sponsors mentioned above:

CFD Direct <https://cfd.direct> are the primary developers of
OpenFOAM <https://openfoam.org>, the free, open source software
for computational fluid dynamics.

XCLOUD.me <https://xcloud.me/> is a hosting company that specializes in
providing virtual macOS cloud instances - all 100% legal, as the virtual
machines run on top of real Apple hardware.

IBM are the original developers of the POWER systems used in midrange
computing.  You can learn more about the Linux on POWER ecosystem here:

Oregon State University's Open Source Lab (OSU/OSL) is a nonprofit
organization working for the advancement of open source technologies.
They offer various means of support to open source projects, one of them
being free hosting on both Intel and POWER servers.
To find out more about them, please visit their web site at

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur
X2Go Project/Community Manager
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243

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