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- ====== X2Go Packages for Redhat GNU/Linux ======
- <note important>Please select **one method only** and stick to it. Switching between our EPEL repository and the official EPEL repository will not be possible without first uninstalling all X2Go-related packages.</note> - - ===== Adding a Repository for X2Go ===== - - ==== Adding Our EPEL Packages Repository ==== - - Download the .repo file and save it to the correct location:
- <code bash>
- wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/x2go.repo \
- http://packages.x2go.org/epel/x2go.repo
- </code>
- - Edit the file afterwards to select the repositories you need. - - As a rule of thumb: ''source'' repositories are never needed, unless you want to build packages from source. ''extras'' repositories are always needed. - - By default, the ''release'' repository is enabled and the ''nightly'' repository is disabled. If you want to use the ''nightly'' packages, disable the ''release'' repository and enable the ''nightly'' repository. - - Note that not all of X2Go may be provided for RHEL 5/6, as these distributions are very old and therefore more work-intensive to develop for. - - **Hint:** If you are behind a proxy, make sure the proxy is defined in ''/etc/yum.conf''. Standard yum repos do not use the same connection mechanisms as RHN channels. - - ==== Using the Official EPEL Packages Repository ==== - - Install EPEL as [[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL|outlined on the EPEL wiki page]]. - - ===== Installing X2Go
Packages =====
- - Congratulations, you are now able to access the X2Go packages. You may continue by installing ''x2goserver'', ''x2goclient'' or ''pyhoca-gui'' or any other of the available packages. - - [[doc:installation:x2goserver#rhel_6|Installation instructions for X2Go Server]]

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