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Date        : 2020/05/29 09:12
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/events:x2go-gathering-2020
Edit Summary: Moved note upwards, added additional potential locations
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
- X2Go: The Gathering 2020 @ (most likely) 
[[http://www.linuxhotel.de|Linuxhotel, Essen]]
+ <note important>While X2Go: The Gathering is a pretty small event with 
usually no more than 15 participants, it has had international visitors in the past, 
which brings a risk of spreading Covid-19 further. As the Covid-19 pandemic will bug 
us until spring 2021 at the very least, we kindly ask our international participants
to stay at home and join us virtually instead. If we do meet in person at all (a 
decision has not been made yet), we will only allow registrations from Germany and 
possibly Austria/Switzerland, depending on whatever regulations may be in place by 
+ + X2Go: The Gathering 2020 @ (most likely) [[http://www.linuxhotel.de|Linuxhotel, Essen]] - but maybe Stuttgart or Treuchtlingen if southern Germany is easier to reach for the majority of those participants that will be physically present. Motto: V/RUS - Virtual/Remote User Symposium - <note important>While X2Go: The Gathering is a pretty small event with usually no more than 15 participants, it has had international visitors in the past, which brings a risk of spreading Covid-19 further. As the Covid-19 pandemic will bug us until spring 2021 at the very least, we kindly ask our international participants to stay at home and join us virtually instead. If we do meet in person at all (a decision has not been made yet),
we will only allow registrations from Germany and possibly Austria/Switzerland, 
depending on whatever regulations may be in place by then.</note>
Date: TBD, see availability chart below - due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we're not going to host the event before July. One of the late September weekends would be preferred, but of course, it all depends on core member availability. Currently in early planning phase.

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