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Date        : 2020/07/26 07:00
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Edit Summary: [2020-11-12 - IT-Kongress 2020, Neu-Ulm, Germany - Virtual Event] User : flamangoes

@@ -31,11 +31,8 @@
 | <del>Chemnitzer LinuxTage</del> | Chemnitz, Germany | | | **Cancelled** |
 | <del>Pi and More 12 1/2</del> [[ 
[[https://piandmore.de/de/news/article/pi-and-more-12-verschoben|DE]] | Stuttgart, Germany 
| 2020-03-14 | | **Cancelled/Postponed** |
- ==== 2020-11-12 - IT-Kongress 2020, Neu-Ulm, Germany - Virtual Event ==== - - * We'll be doing a re-run of the "X2Go in the
Google Cloud, free and/or anonymous - how does that work?" talk, updated to 
reflect how Tor can be used instead of a dedicated jump host (Note: talk will be in 
==== 2020-03-14 - Pi and More 12 1/2, Stuttgart, Germany - CANCELLED/POSTPONED ==== Pi and More 12 1/2 has been cancelled/postponed due to Corona-Virus related regulations.

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