On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 16:01 +0200, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hello,
> I haven't looked at the xs2go-firefox-plugin but I think that what you
> do with the plugin, you could do with x2go-client too.
> You could use a mime-type or filename-extention what opens x2goclient
> and what gives the information what's needed for a connection. Like what
> you can do with OpenOffice when opening a .odt file in a browser.
> And then you could use it with any browser, not only with Firefox.
> And you could have it for more platforms.
> And you have less duplicated code.
This is a nice idea and one we have toyed with.  However, there are
several advantages to the web plugin.  I believe the plugin will update
automatically so it is less maintenance.  The plugin is a little easier
to install than a complete application.  There is the user perception
that X2Go can be run from anywhere without having to install a client
even though it really does.  Just a few thoughts - John

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