On Thu, 2010-07-22 at 12:18 +0200, swlambert...@online.de wrote:
> Hello at all,
> I 'm not sure whether this is the correct place to post my question. But I 
> can't find a forum or wiki for x2go-User and Admin questions. So, I use this 
> mailing-list.
> Since a few weeks I'm testing x2go. Everything works fine, but now, I have a 
> problem.
> To create Gnome-Userprofiles, I use the Profileditor "Sabayon" ( 
> http://live.gnome.org/Sabayon http://live.gnome.org/Sabayon ). The generation 
> of the profiles and the assignment to the users work without any issue. But 
> together with x2go, there is a (for me a big) problem. 
> When a new user run a X2GO Session, he receive the Standard-Gnome Desktop 
> instead of the „Sabayon“-Desktop. But when he first logged in localy on the 
> Server, the assignment of the „Sabayon“-Desktop works on X2GO Sessions too.
> In my opinion , Sabayon is a good and easy tool for Administrators to handle 
> the useraccess on the applications at the TS-Server. But it isn't feasible in 
> a production environment with a lot of users, that every user first logged in 
> localy on the server. 
> NOMACHINE has published an article ( 
> http://www.nomachine.com/ar/view.php?ar_id=AR10F00516 
> http://www.nomachine.com/ar/view.php?ar_id=AR10F00516 ) with the solution for 
> this issue with NOMACHINE NX-Server. After I have adjusted the Sabayon 
> Configuration on Ubuntu 10.04 (there are a few differences between Sabayon on 
> Fedora and Sabayon on Ubuntu), i have make a test with the „Nomachine NX-Free 
> Edition“ (not FreeNX) and it works indeed. Now I'm searching for the solution 
> with X2GO. 
> So, my two question are
> 1.
> Is there a possibilty in the X2GO-Configuration to configure a 
> „UserScriptAfterSessionStart“ like in the Nomachine NX-Node configuration ? 
> If yes, how ?
> 2.
> Is it possible to publish only Applications (not the whole Desktop) for 
> users/usergroups ? If yes, how work it ?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> Best regards
> Stefan
> ----------------------------------------
Hello, Stefan.  I'm not familiar with Sabayon (perhaps I should be!).
We've been setting XDG_DATA_DIRS and using a centrally managed settings

However, it is possible to launch specific applications and this can
include, I believe, a wrapper application to something like startkde or
gnome-session.  A while ago, I had published on this list our work of
summarizing the X2Go process of setting up and tearing down a session.
You might find that helpful.

It seems to all be driven from the client via SSH.  Eventually, the
client runs (via ssh on the server) /usr/bin/x2goruncommand.  This
command can be just about anything and is configured in the client
interface under the session type on the Session (first) tab.  Hope this
helps - John

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