On Tue, 2010-09-07 at 16:13 +0200, Arjen Roodselaar wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thank you for looking into this and your reply.
> -----Original message-----
> From: John A. Sullivan III <jsulli...@opensourcedevel.com>
> Sent: Tue 09/07/10 14:07:04
> To: x2go-dev@lists.berlios.de; 
> Subject: Re: [X2go-dev] Souce of Windows client available?
> &gt; I'm not entirely sure but I believe a zip of the source is available
> &gt; here:
> &gt; http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8454
> I might be overlooking something, but unfortunately I can't find any sources 
> on the page you suggested. Is it possible they're only visible for certain 
> users?
You're right! It's not there.  I also signed in with my Berlios account
and that did not reveal it.  I also looked in
http://x2go.obviously-nice.de/windows/ but only saw the setup.exe.  I
don't recall where I downloaded the Windows source.

Ah! As I think about it, it is probably all the same source - the beauty
of Qt.  There are sections within the code for handling Windows specific
bits.  Thus, I believe you will want:
if you want the source for the latest available Windows client - John

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