Salut Guillaume,

> I don't want to use the resuming form showed by the plugin (my users 
> are confused with it).
> I'm making a webapp, and I would list sessions in a web page, and make 
> it possible to resume
> paused sessions just by clicking on a link.
Basically, I'd say this is actually not a plugin specific question. What
you need to do is (1) make your webapp talk to the x2go server to get
the list of sessions. The webapp should then dynamically create a
configuration file that is loaded by the plugin, which then (2) resumes
the session.

1: Getting the list of sessions shouldn't be a problem at all: If your
webapp is in python, you can use the pyx2go library and only need three
lines of code - if not, find an ssh library for your programming
language, connect to the x2go host using ssh, execute x2golistsessions
and parse the output.

2: This is probably the point where it all breaks: As far as I can see,
the x2goplugin does not have an option for this "x2go.server" file that
tells it to resume a specified session. Maybe dig through the docs if
you can find something. If not - get the source code for the plugin and
the x2goclient and modify it to your needs. It is GPL and it should
_theoretically_ be possible to get it.


> Thanks in advance !
> Regards,
> Guillaume
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