On Wednesday 17 October 2012 09:43:17 Mike Gabriel wrote:
> > My problem is that for plasma to assume the new resolution you have  
> > to kill it
> > and start-it once again after you change plasma-desktop-appletsrc  
> > with the new
> > values. So, when  you do this after resuming the session, every time you
> > move/maximize/minimize a window they slow to a crawl.
> ahaaaa... this is not so here... Note: there is quite a big difference  
> between the Ubuntu KDE4 and the Debian KDE4. Ubuntu has (at least one)  
> xrandr patches that break KDE4 nearly completely with X2Go (KWin  
> crashes regularly).

Hello Mike,

I've instaled OpenSuse 12.2 and everything with plasma is working fine.
No kwin crashes, resizing works as expected when resizing the windows live.

I haven't have time yet to test suspending with a different resolution in full 
screen mode and restoring with another one in full screen mode.

Little bit tired now.

I'm a debian/deb lover and for the sake of god hate rpm, but debian have some 
problems too, with some legacy stuff like libreoffice and those iceweasel and 
icedove freaks, Lol.

Will evaluate OpenSuse and try to migrate  my already done settings/kiosked 
interface/menus  from the kubuntu dev machine to OS.



Helmer Teles 


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