On Feb 19, 2013 5:57 PM, "Orion Poplawski" <or...@cora.nwra.com> wrote:
> On 02/17/2013 09:48 PM, Helmer Teles wrote:
>> Hi Mike.
>> Never used it but after reading the description on Berlios it looks that
>> similar to cups-x2go & x2go-printing. It uses a shared folder to
transport a
>> PDF file just like modern x2go does it.
>> Anyone?
> From a quick glance it seems to create a spool directory but it seems to
be up to you to manually share it, so it seems to do much less than
> That said, I've not been happy with the requirement to add users to the
fuse group to use cups-x2go.  I don't remember this from NX, although I'm
not sure I ever tried printing from NX.


Regarding commercial NX from !machine you have to share in windows or Linux
client a cifs printer and that resource is tunneled to the nxserver. Also
in that case you have to match a printer driver also.


Com os melhores cumprimentos.

Helmer Teles

"Sent from my Android Device"

Please don't send me proprietary file formats, use ISO standard ODF instead
(ISO/IEC 26300)

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