Hello dear mates.

Just had a problem that when a user moves or copy a file from the mounted
sshfs dir to a shared directory on the x2goserver, if this is a shared
folder for a group with respective ACL's we've got a problem with the final

The easy way to solve this is to change the x2gomountdirs to include the
umask param.

My diff is below.
Is there any other way ( missed /etc/x2go/* param  that i've missed to
solve this problem?

< my $umask="0117";
<               $msg = "sshfs $code_conv -o idmap=user,uid=`id -u`,gid=`id
\"$user\"\@$host:\"@dirs[$i]\" \"$mntpath\" -p $port";
>               $msg = "sshfs $code_conv -o idmap=user,uid=`id -u`,gid=`id
\"$user\"\@$host:\"@dirs[$i]\" \"$mntpath\" -p $port";
<               if (system("sshfs  $code_conv -o idmap=user,uid=`id
\"$user\"\@$host:\"@dirs[$i]\" \"$mntpath\" -p $port 2>>~/mounts.log")==0)
>               if (system("sshfs  $code_conv -o idmap=user,uid=`id
\"$user\"\@$host:\"@dirs[$i]\" \"$mntpath\" -p $port 2>>~/mounts.log")==0)


Com os melhores cumprimentos.

Helmer Teles

"Sent from my Linux Device"

Please don't send me proprietary file formats, use ISO standard ODF instead
(ISO/IEC 26300)

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