On Sunday 17 November 2013 14:01:59 Javier Martinez Arandigoyen wrote:

 I have an installation in ubuntu 12.04 LTS of x2go. The server start working 
fine, and 
sharing the folders, but aftter minutes, some times hours   the sharing folder 
working. My technician is out. Can you help me???. I´ll pay for your work. I 
can give you 
access t the server.  Regards Recibe un cordial saludo. Javier Martínez 
Director General 

Accepting access to a server is kind of a big responsability that few people 
will take!

Can you access the server console as root? 

If so, can you send the output of this log? ( *would be better if you scramble 
usernames* )

1) cat /var/log/auth.log |grep -i ssh |grep -v accepted
2) cat /var/log/syslog |grep -i x2go

Com os melhores cumprimentos.

Helmer Teles

"Sent from my Linux Device"

Please don't send me proprietary file formats, use ISO standard ODF instead
(ISO/IEC 26300)

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