Package: x2gothinclientmanagement

I run my tftp/nfs server for my thin clients, on a 64-bit machine (a VM).
When I create a thinclient chroot with x2gothinclient_create, only the 486
kernel gets installed. I can use x2gothinclient_shell and use apt-get to
install linux-image-686, to get the 686 kernel installed. But upon doing
so, the reason for it not being auto installed is apparent: 64-bit machines
don't support PAE (not needed), and the deb package for linux-image-686
knows that this particular kernel is made for machines supporting PAE. I
can just say yes to the warnings, and I even though I end up with an error,
the kernel does get installed. This is not optimal.
I realize this is a problem (in this niche case, it probably "works as
intended") with Debian Wheezy, and not really a job for the developers of
x2go, but since I am running into this problem when using x2go, I am
reporting the problem here, and hopefully it will be sent upstream, if that
is desirable.

Anders Bruun Olsen
Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab
(Society for Danish Language and Literature)
X2Go-Dev mailing list

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