On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 5:33 PM, Walid MOGHRABI
<w.moghr...@servicemagic.eu> wrote:
> I would recommend disabling GLX by uncommenting this line in 
> /etc/x2go/x2goagent.options :
> GLX is unusable with the current NX-Libs (even Arctica ones) but since the 
> extension is enabled, some components still tries to use H/W acceleration for 
> some parts.
> I get far better results (especially stability wise) with this option 
> disabled.
> I would even consider disabling it "by default" until a proper GLX support is 
> added to nx-libs.

It is not "unusable". But nx offers an old version of GLX only. And
there seem to be some applications that don't care for the version the
X server (nxagent in this case) reports. So what should we do?

It is possible to implement a newer GLX version but that would need
some investing quite some time. Unfortunately the current nx
development staff does not have that time...

Regarding Thunderbird: does it still crash after setting
gfx.xrender.enabled to true in about:config (respectively user.js)?

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