This seems to happen a couple of times a week. We are on Fedora 27. and
just upgraded to

Every so often the logs start filling up with these:
Feb  9 09:28:33 erdos pulseaudio[2124]: [pulseaudio] main.c:
User-configured server at localhost:41031, refusing to start/autospawn.

Should we remind users to uncheck the audio box when logging in?

I see there is bug 161,
and 1143, that are
quite old but perhaps related. here's a 'ps -auwx | grep x2go' when this

user1  20652  0.0  0.0 116572  1696 ?        Ss   Feb06   0:00 /bin/bash
/usr/bin/x2goruncommand 333 20569 user1-333-1517963407_stDMATE_dp32 50324
mate-session nosnd D

user1  20756  0.0  0.0  32340  1116 ?        S    Feb06   0:00
/usr/bin/dbus-run-session /etc/x2go/Xsession

user2 30305  0.0  0.0 116704  3232 ?        Ss   Feb08   0:00 bash -l -c
echo "X2GODATABEGIN:216fe65b-1b56-4b0f-99b9-4f5fd0da8929"; export
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin";export TERM="dumb"; x2goresume-session
user2-334-1518126156_stDXFCE_dp32 fullscreen adsl 16m-jpeg-9 us query 0
both; echo "X2GODATAEND:216fe65b-1b56-4b0f-99b9-4f5fd0da8929";

user2 30396  0.0  0.0 116572  3184 ?        S    Feb08   0:29 /bin/bash
/usr/bin/x2goresume-session user2-334-1518126156_stDXFCE_dp32 fullscreen
adsl 16m-jpeg-9 us query 0 both

user3    31106  0.0  0.0 116572  1692 ?        Ss   Feb06   0:00 /bin/bash
/usr/bin/x2goruncommand 331 30861 user3-331-1517954980_stDMATE_dp32 41031
mate-session nosnd D

user3    31230  0.0  0.0  32340  1116 ?        S    Feb06   0:00
/usr/bin/dbus-run-session /etc/x2go/Xsession

user2 32682  0.0  0.0 116704  3216 ?        Ss   Feb08   0:00 bash -l -c
echo "X2GODATABEGIN:c04d2709-19ac-4774-8a7e-0dee1c5164d2"; export
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin";export TERM="dumb"; x2goresume-session
user2-335-1518126319_stDMATE_dp32 fullscreen adsl 16m-jpeg-9 us query 0
both; echo "X2GODATAEND:c04d2709-19ac-4774-8a7e-0dee1c5164d2";

user2 32731  0.0  0n.
.0 116572  3136 ?        S    Feb08   0:28 /bin/bash
/usr/bin/x2goresume-session user2-335-1518126319_stDMATE_dp32 fullscreen
adsl 16m-jpeg-9 us query 0 both

You can see the server load gets a bit high:
top - 09:29:24 up 6 days, 16:37,  4 users,  load average: 2.22, 3.07, 2.84
Tasks: 383 total,   2 running, 295 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.8 us,  0.5 sy,  1.6 ni, 87.0 id,  9.8 wa,  0.1 hi,  0.2 si,
0.0 st
KiB Mem : 24670328 total,   502868 free,  2891660 used, 21275800 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 40959996 total, 40601596 free,   358400 used. 21282084 avail Mem
  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+
 3026  20   0  157764  12240   4772 R  41.2  0.0   0:00.07 x2gogetagentsta

So I'm forced to kill the PIDs.

After restarting x2goserver:
Feb  9 09:32:37 erdos /usr/sbin/x2gocleansessions[4477]:
user3-331-1517954980_stDMATE_dp32, pid 30861: cleaning up stale X11 socket
file: /tmp/.X11-unix/X331

Feb  9 09:32:37 erdos /usr/sbin/x2gocleansessions[4477]:
user3-331-1517954980_stDMATE_dp32, pid 30861: cleaning up stale X11 lock
file: /tmp/.X331-lock

Side note, why does /var/log/dnf.log have these nightly?
DEBUG Unknown configuration option: protect = 0 in
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