* On 11/20/18 8:01 PM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
> So I am really astounded that there are
> problems with Debian packages.

There aren't any problems with released packages. So far, only nightly packages
for newer/unstable distro versions were affected.

The problem is that stretch-backports has a newer version of libssh which is
incompatible to the old one (well, more or less, definitely shipping one library
less), so X2Go Client needs to be rebuilt.

We're not building with backports enabled, so even a new version of X2Go Client
won't fix this issue for those users that pull in libssh through
stable-backports. Since this is a build-time check and feature, the only way to
make this work correctly is to rebuild X2Go Client from source (after the next
release, anyway).


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