
On Fri, 17 Jan 2020 16:52:52 +0100, Stefan Baur
<> wrote:
> Am 17.01.20 um 16:08 schrieb Tristan Miller:
> > server (like my mail client or web browser) that permits only one
> > instance at a time, and the X2Go session is already running such an
> > instance.  Or is there some way of moving a program from an X2Go
> > session to the local display?  (If there is, I expect it's not
> > going to be any easier than manually killing the application, or
> > simply terminating the entire X2Go session, and then restarting the
> > program locally.)  
> So why don't you start X2GoClient on the local screen and connect to
> (or ::1, if you fancy IPv6) to resume your session?

For the same reason I mentioned previously: because I need to run
programs that allow only one concurrent instance.  Consider what
happens when I am running my web browser locally on my X2Go server, and
then locally reconnect to a local X2Go session that is running my e-mail
client. If I click on a hyperlink in an e-mail message, it will try
(and fail) to launch a new instance of my web browser.  As far as I
know, the only solutions are to kill the local web browser and relaunch
it within the X2Go session, or else kill the e-mail client and
relaunch it locally.  I usually just kill the entire X2Go session,
since it's rare that the session is running anything other than the
e-mail client.

If you know of a better way of dealing with this, I'd be happy to hear
about it.


                  Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist

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