
I would like to fix the long-standing bug that x2gostartageni sets
NX_CLIENT to x2gosuspend-agent, which is simply wrong. I would like to
point it to nxdialog, if available.

The best way to find out the correnct nxdialog path is probably using
x2gopath. But I am not really sure how all that x2gopath stuff is
supposed to work. I mean, depending on the distribution, nxdialog
might be on different locations.

E.g. the nx-libs Makefile(s) install nxdialog to $BINDIR, which is
$PREFIX/bin by default. The packager can redefine BINDIR and/or
PREFIX. x2gopath does not know about BINDIR, it only knows PREFIX. So
how can I determine the BINDIR used during packaging of nxdialog?

Can anyone shine a light on this?


PS: nx-libs.spec does not build an nxdialog rpm yet, so that's needs
to be fixed, too.
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