Dear $ALL,
X2Go will be present at LinuxDay.AT <> in
Dornbirn, Austria on Saturday, September 30th, and also at the
IT-Kongress <> in Neu-Ulm, Germany, on Thursday,
November 9th, 2023.
At both events, we will have a booth where we will demo X2Go-KDrive, as
well as the HTML5Client beta and X2Go's integration into the latest
Remmina client.
At LinuxDay.AT, there will also be a talk with a live demo of how you
can run a small X2GoServer instance in the Google Cloud, for free, using
Tor (The Onion Router) to log in.
The talk at IT-Kongress will be a behind-the-scenes look regarding the
customer-driven development that led to the creation of X2Go-KDrive.
(Note that both talks will be in German, but our booth staff at both
events is fluent in German as well as in English.)
If you're planning to attend and/or are in the area, feel free to stop
by and say hi! Both events are free, though IT-Kongress requires
We are trying to cover the costs for our two volunteers/orca e.V.
members (Mihai and me) via orca e.V., the registered association that
X2Go belongs to, but for that, we will need your help in the form of
You can find our donation pages here:
X2Go (English):
X2Go (German):
orca e.V. (English):
orca e.V. (German):
It would be really cool if you could send some $$$/€€€/£££/¥¥¥ our way,
so we can keep advocating for X2Go and free remote desktop/remote
application projects in general.
We can accept donations via PayPal, Credit Card, Direct Debit,
giropay/paydirect and wire transfer. Best of all, donations towards X2Go
and orca are usually tax deductible for German tax subjects.
Note that there is a special sponsorship drive sponsored by our funding
Non-recurring donations up to 100 Euro made on Tuesday, 2023-09-05
(starting 00:00 CEST) will receive 20% on top directly from Larger donations will receive 20 Euro on top instead.
This offer is only valid until a funding pool of 12.000 Euro is
depleted. So the earlier you donate on this particular day, the higher
the chance that your donation will receive the bonus from betterplace.
Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur
(with his X2Go Event Planner hat on)
*If times are rough for you and you can't afford to donate, don't feel
bad! You can also help us by forwarding this announcement to whomever
you seem fit - e.g. your local Linux user group, your social media
followers, etc.
If you're on Twitter, you can retweet and like the following to help:
<> (English)
<> (German)
Feel free to copy the text and links of these Tweets to any social media
platform that you are using.
BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Geschäftsführer: Stefan Baur
Eichenäckerweg 10, 89081 Ulm | Registergericht Ulm, HRB 724364
Fon/Fax 0731 40 34 66-36/-35 | USt-IdNr.: DE268653243
x2go-dev mailing list