I've been testing x2gokdrive on fedora 38 (client and server).  It's 
generally working, but I just got a freeze that is not recoverable.  That 
is, the session has gotten into a state so that when I try to reconnect, it 
only starts to open the display and hangs.  The display is set for full 
screen.  When reconnecting, I first will see a black window, then the window 
will become full size and display normally.  In this stuck state, I only see 
a small all black window.

Here is the log of attempt to reconnect:
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:142,remote_handle_signal() GOT SIGNAL 1
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3340,processConfigFileSetting() Using JPEG 
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3346,processConfigFileSetting() JPEG quality 99 is 
requested, x2gokdrive will override it to 70
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3350,processConfigFileSetting() Image quality: 70
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3357,processConfigFileSetting() accept localhost
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3367,processConfigFileSetting() listen 52837
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3389,processConfigFileSetting() CLIPBOARD MODE: both
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3325,processConfigFileSetting() state file 
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:2142,setAgentState() Agent state RESUMING
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3227,open_socket() Openning TCP socket...
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3237,open_socket() Accepting connections from 
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3242,open_socket() Listen on port 52837
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3256,open_socket() Set notify FD for server sock: 59
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3257,open_socket() waiting for Client connection

MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3261,open_socket() Server TCP socket is ready
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3030,serverAcceptNotify() Connection from 

MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3124,close_server_socket() Remove notify FD for 
server sock 59
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3075,serverAcceptNotify() got 32 COOKIE BYTES from 
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3082,serverAcceptNotify() Cookie approved
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:3091,serverAcceptNotify() Set notify FD for client 
sock: 60
MAIN:x2gokdriveremote.c:2142,setAgentState() Agent state RUNNING

The only thing I can do is close the window at this point.  

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