hello, yesterday we try to install x2go on edubuntu virtual machine. we
made a TCE installation and we try a raspberry client with raspbian and
with pxe: it load tftp and show us the progrees bar but after a while it
shows us
Loading. please wait---

 and happens nothing more tcpdump shows no more trafic

syslog says

May 18 09:04:30 ed1404l-virtual-machine dhcpd: DHCPACK on to
00:1f:16:28:f0:f1 via eth0
May 18 09:08:57 ed1404l-virtual-machine atftpd[6257]: atftpd terminating
after 300 seconds
May 18 09:08:57 ed1404l-virtual-machine atftpd[6257]: Main thread exiting
May 18 09:17:01 ed1404l-virtual-machine CRON[8939]: (root) CMD (   cd / &&
run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
May 18 09:24:16 ed1404l-virtual-machine cracklib: no dictionary update

with raspbian and x2goclient

after login it starts but x2go does not appear and it stay doing nothing.

any idea?
we have an similar debian installation and it works very well.

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