On 06/28/2014 04:53 PM, Michael DePaulo wrote:

Great, I'm curious as to what the problem was. A link to the
documentation step will suffice.

The documentation is great. I just hadn't read it. I was expecting the printers to be magically visible via CUPS's browsing protocol or something. But I like the way that it is done in X2GO, with the printer having a fixed name on the server. We have some cobol apps that don't understand CUPS, and need a static name hard-coded into a config file.

We would appreciate it if you could describe your deployment story on a
wiki page linked from here:

I'll write something up. I'm actually pretty proud of this site. We've been doing all our business desktops remote to a central Linux Gnome 2 desktop server since the Fedora Core 3 days. We started out with VNC over a single T1. In retrospect, I can't believe that my users didn't lynch me for that, but it was the best I new how to do at the time. I soon found FreeNX. And even after all these years, I'm still amazed at the speed of NX's protocols.

PS: I love MATE too. Mike#1 is a Debian Developer and a MATE developer,
he helped get MATE into the Debian repos.

We just moved to a new 20 core Xeon E5-2690 v2, 256GB ram, 6 drive RAID 10 box using the WD 15k rpm SAS drives. And I'm just delighted with everything. (Way overkill for 100 users, and the best present I ever got! ;-) But we'll be keeping it for 7 years.)

Debian 7, MATE 1.8, X2GO. Everything is just *perfect*. I can't think of anything more I could ask for.

After my search for a suitable DE for this new server, I was *so* thankful for MATE that I made a donation, and then turned around and made another. And I'm not a frequent donator to anything. But you and the MATE guys absolutely saved my bacon. No other combination would have been even remotely acceptable.

I'll definitely be checking out the Floss Weekly appearance. I'm always interested in anything about MATE and X2GO.


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