
Cause this mail is quite long - in short - problem solved (at least
for this mailing list), I have still a small problem:
- Right mouse click doesn't work in my x2go session:
- Left click works, middle click, scroll wheel, even the additional
buttons browser back and for are working, but not my ight, I always
have to hit context-menu-key on keyboard which works.
Can you give me a hint of whats going on and how to solve?
- I'm using the latest ( client version, problem is also on 2
x86 computers (1 client, 1 server) with both fedora 22 set up.

Original - analysed and solved problem:
I went back to an x86-Client with fedora22 on it:
- on the server deinstalled nomachine, which I tried for testing -->
seemed to give some speed-up
- used a preempt kernel -> no real change
- changed the ssh encrypting to blowfish-cbc, arcfour -> little change
(as aes is performant on i7, but not older models)
- used kaffeine --> big speedup
- If I'm using vlc the timebar sometimes moves on, but the video
doesn't change. I don't know what this causes, perhaps some caching or
vlc tries to write a direct write on hardware components.
Parole-player seems to do something similar. kaffeine runs smoth,
picture is not as  good as if I'm sitting in front of my physical-pc
(since I'm compressing here with 16m-jpeg), but good enough.

So x2go-server seems to work at least it works so well, that I don't
notice any real differences.
So I tested with cubietruck (cubieboard 3.0, armhf, mali-GPU) as
client once again:
- nomachine, ssh and kaffeine have also given some significant
speedup. At least a video covering one third of the screen (at
1920x1080p) is running really well, fullscreen is still a little but
jumping, not as bad as before, but clearly visible.

So my problem seemed to be a combination of slow server, "wrong"
player, interfering package (nomachine) and a slow client.
For now I'll try another linux image on client, perhaps the mali-GPU
isn't supported right in my software or the x11 on the cleint is too
old. Perhaps there is also a limit (I don't hope so) what cubieboard
can do. But I think this will be a problem I'll better post in
cubieboard forums.

Thanks for your support!

2015-09-09 22:00 GMT+02:00 Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com>:
>      Just for kicks how about fire up kaffiene firefox on the server and try
> a youtube video?  For playing video locally on the server I usually use
> kaffeine. Since I haven't used vlc or parole, I can't speak for how they
> work.
> -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
>  Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and Hosting.
>    Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
>  See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800) 246-6874.
> On Wed, 9 Sep 2015, Harald Heigl wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 21:54:56 +0200
>> From: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>
>> To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
>> Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Questions regarding mate/video quailty
>> Ok I try to shorten my mails, since the information you are asking for
>> is in my last mail (and in some mails before):
>> - ping: < 0.5ms (some peaks every some minutes at 2-3ms), before,
>> during and after video
>> - iperf (600-700Mbit/s), measured with no load
>> - cpu of server at 15-20% while watching video
>> - memory: approx 3-4GB (of 6GB) used, swap all free
>> Could there be a caching problem, is vlc or parole the "wrong"
>> videoplayer?
>> Thanks,
>> Harald
>> 2015-09-09 20:15 GMT+02:00 Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com>:
>>>      Herald, did you ever do the ping as I suggested while trying to
>>> watch
>>> video to see if perhaps there are some bandwidth / latency issues?
>>>      Another thing you might do is run a top on the server and watch the
>>> load while you're playing video, from a command line do a free and make
>>> sure
>>> you're not swapping.
>>> -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
>>>  Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and
>>> Hosting.
>>>    Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script readers.
>>>  See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800)
>>> 246-6874.
>>> On Wed, 9 Sep 2015, Harald Heigl wrote:
>>>> Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2015 20:11:29 +0200
>>>> From: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>
>>>> To: Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com>
>>>> Cc: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>,
>>>> x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
>>>> Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Questions regarding mate/video quailty
>>>> Hi,
>>>> My server is still a core2duo, perhaps this is the problem? Anyone
>>>> here with similar "low" hardwaresettings?
>>>> I don't know what preemtive settings mean either I have to admit, I
>>>> got that information from fedora side. And I tried a real preemtive
>>>> kernel for fedora, but I don't see any differences (perhaps a very
>>>> small improvement, but this might be my subjective view).
>>>> As stated in my last mail ping are beyond 0.5ms, nearly every ping
>>>> before, during and after playing video with a handful spikes not
>>>> excedding 2-3ms.
>>>> Could it be my cpu, my graphic card on server side or my whole system?
>>>> I don't think the client (cause I used another client) or the network
>>>> (pings, network transfers ok) is the problem. But cpu is not over 20%
>>>> too. I haven't configured anything in x2goserver, just standard.
>>>> On my server nomachine is installed for testing if this matters
>>>> (nomachine is faster than x2go, but not really fast). Are there any
>>>> logs I can search. I even turned off selinux und firewall for testing
>>>> but it had no impact, firewall shouldn't be the problem either, cause
>>>> we go over ssh.
>>>> No idea right now...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Harald
>>>> 2015-09-07 23:30 GMT+02:00 Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com>:
>>>>>      I get real time video, server I7-2600 100mb/s backbone, client,
>>>>> old
>>>>> MacPro-1 4CPU 4G of RAM running Ubuntu 15.04 with preemptive kernel on
>>>>> 15mb/s Comcast cable modem, server running Fedora 22 with a pre-emptive
>>>>> kernel, don't understand what "preemptive settings" mean, either kernel
>>>>> is
>>>>> built so that it can be preempted or not.  I can get 30 frame/second
>>>>> video
>>>>> not 1/2 frames per
>>>>> second.  And even with a non-preemptive kernel I only see occasional
>>>>> glitches
>>>>> not 1 frame every ten second, so you've got something still really
>>>>> broken.
>>>>> Did you try the ping I suggested?
>>>>> -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
>>>>>  Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and
>>>>> Hosting.
>>>>>    Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script
>>>>> readers.
>>>>>  See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800)
>>>>> 246-6874.
>>>>> On Mon, 7 Sep 2015, Harald Heigl wrote:
>>>>>> Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 23:24:42 +0200
>>>>>> From: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Questions regarding mate/video quailty
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I've got some more information: the kernel itself is not preemptiv,
>>>>>> but there are some preemptiv settings set. But I used an alternative
>>>>>> preemptive fedora kernel and found only small changes. What I found:
>>>>>> - In vlc I have to deactivate overlay-mode
>>>>>> - In Parole I have to set "No Xv" instead of "X11/XShm/Xv" in
>>>>>> settings, videooutput.
>>>>>> Parole works better than vlc and is at around 1-2 updates per second,
>>>>>> which is far better than every 10 second, but still not really
>>>>>> watchable.
>>>>>> Perhaps there is still some wrong setting on my computer (caching the
>>>>>> video-pictures?) or my server is at it's limit ...
>>>>>> Though there are still 3Gb (of 6Gb) free, CPU is working at 10-30%,
>>>>>> ping is nearly all the time lower than 0.5ms.
>>>>>> Thanks so far,
>>>>>> Are there any settings or players you prefer? Is a core2duo@2.13Ghz
>>>>>> too slow as server, which impact is on the graphic card (though I have
>>>>>> no problems locally)
>>>>>> Harald
>>>>>> 2015-09-07 16:59 GMT+02:00 Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com>:
>>>>>>>      Do a uname -a on the box and see if it has PREEMPT in the result
>>>>>>> string.
>>>>>>> If it does then it is and then I'd start looking at resource usage on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> box
>>>>>>> or possibly network latency issues.  Might do a ping from your client
>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>> watching a video and see if you get any network latency spikes.
>>>>>>> -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
>>>>>>>  Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and
>>>>>>> Hosting.
>>>>>>>    Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script
>>>>>>> readers.
>>>>>>>  See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800)
>>>>>>> 246-6874.
>>>>>>> On Mon, 7 Sep 2015, Harald Heigl wrote:
>>>>>>>> Date: Mon, 07 Sep 2015 13:39:01 +0000
>>>>>>>> From: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Questions regarding mate/video quailty
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I don't think, that the client is the problem, cause I tested also a
>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>> x86-fedora22-client with exactly the same result, so I expect the
>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> the problem. I've asked at fedoraforum cause of preemptive kernel
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> say the standard is still preemptive.
>>>>>>>> With nomachine 4.0 video is much better (even if not 100%), but with
>>>>>>>> nomachine I can't use virtual desktop for free.
>>>>>>>> Any other suggestion? Server requirements, ... ?
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Harald
>>>>>>>> Robert Dinse <nan...@eskimo.com> schrieb am So., 6. Sep. 2015 22:06:
>>>>>>>>>       I'm not familiar with your client machine but on the server
>>>>>>>>> side,
>>>>>>>>> build
>>>>>>>>> a kernel with kernel pre-emption enabled, for myself at least it
>>>>>>>>> helped
>>>>>>>>> considerably.
>>>>>>>>> -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-
>>>>>>>>>   Eskimo North Linux Friendly Internet Access, Shell Accounts, and
>>>>>>>>> Hosting.
>>>>>>>>>     Knowledgeable human assistance, not telephone trees or script
>>>>>>>>> readers.
>>>>>>>>>   See our web site: http://www.eskimo.com/ (206) 812-0051 or (800)
>>>>>>>>> 246-6874.
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 6 Sep 2015, Harald Heigl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2015 22:01:48 +0200
>>>>>>>>>> From: Harald Heigl <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> To: x2go-user@lists.x2go.org
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Questions regarding mate/video quailty
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I have still the problem, that running video over x2go (per vlc or
>>>>>>>>>> mates default paroleplayer) is really slow and laggy.
>>>>>>>>>> server: Fedora 22, core2duo, x86,
>>>>>>>>>> client: linaro, cubieboard, armhf,
>>>>>>>>>> - I have testet with another x86 computer as client with no change
>>>>>>>>>> - I have connected the server with the other x86 client directly
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> find out if the network has a problem, with no change
>>>>>>>>>> - I have tried iperf, but the speed of my gigabit lan is fast
>>>>>>>>>> - I have changed the graphiccard of my server (if that changes
>>>>>>>>>> anything)
>>>>>>>>>> I have to admit, that my server is an old core2duo/computer, with
>>>>>>>>>> old
>>>>>>>>>> radeoncard, ssd and 6GB RAM, but I just want to connect a single
>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>>>> from another room inside my home. (and at max one physical user)
>>>>>>>>>> Fedora 22 was set up on the server 2 months ago with a fresh
>>>>>>>>>> install
>>>>>>>>>> and a lot of packages like libreoffice, 2 browsers, ... .
>>>>>>>>>> x2goserver
>>>>>>>>>> was set up from the repos.
>>>>>>>>>> Running videos directly on the computer is no problem.
>>>>>>>>>> Are there any limitations or something  I can check (logs,
>>>>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>> can try out) or are there any minimum system requirements?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Harald
>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-24 22:30 GMT+02:00 Harald Heigl
>>>>>>>>>> <harald.heigl1000+x...@gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for pointing this out. I had x2goserver on fedora
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> 4.0.1.xx on my client, which seemed to be an old version. I
>>>>>>>>>>> assumed
>>>>>>>>>>> server and client-version belong together. I installed
>>>>>>>>>>> (from
>>>>>>>>>>> ubuntu armhf repos) on the client but had the same difficulties,
>>>>>>>>>>> eventhough it was better and more fluent now.
>>>>>>>>>>> I'll see if I can find another x86 computer and try it from
>>>>>>>>>>> there.
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> think my client is the problem (or the armhf-packages not 100%
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> right one for cubieboard).
>>>>>>>>>>> I will need some days to identify the guilty part, I'll write her
>>>>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for all the information,
>>>>>>>>>>> Harald
>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-24 19:16 GMT+02:00 Orion Poplawski <or...@cora.nwra.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 08/24/2015 06:37 AM, Harald Heigl wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the information I just used the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fedora(server)/linaro(client) included repos and they have both
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.0.1 ...
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fedora won't be a problem (I can see a x2go-repo in the wiki),
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I find some armel-builds for my cubieboard. any hints?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (sometimes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rasbperry-builds work as well)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll test it at home a little bit later and tell you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem to be mixing client and server versions here a bit.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Fedora
>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>> x2goserver (latest) and x2goclient (latest).
>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>>>> numbers are not linked.
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Orion Poplawski
>>>>>>>>>>>> Technical Manager                     303-415-9701 x222
>>>>>>>>>>>> NWRA, Boulder/CoRA Office             FAX: 303-415-9702
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3380 Mitchell Lane                       or...@nwra.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Boulder, CO 80301                   http://www.nwra.com
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