Le 29/09/2015 20:12, Robert Dinse a écrit :
     I don't understand what the remote and local screen size has to do with
each other.  Remotely I use an 1680x1050 screen, locally I sometimes bring
a 1600x1200 (old 3x4) monitor.  When I plug it into DVI Linux automatically
sizes the screen correctly.  Remotely I use System->Hardware->Monitors to set
the resolution I want but I'm using Mate rather than Gnome Fallback.
I just compare with what I have with ssvnc where the proportions are respected (but the entire screen isn't displayed without scrolling), and using a ratio (0.85, in my case) done the trick. It's perfect.
The problem occurs principally on :0, where I don't want (and can't) change the size of the server

I say that can modify the size of window, but I don't understand the reason of this parameter in filter if it's not used.


Alain Aupeix

U.buntu 12.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2015-09-07 14:28) | HbIDE (Rev.316) | Five.Linux (r143) | Hw.Gui (2492)
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