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On Mon, 29 Aug 2016, Stefan Seidel wrote:

Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2016 08:11:53 +0200
From: Stefan Seidel <>
To: Jordan Sokolic <>
Subject: Re: [X2Go-User] Web browser performance over X2Go

Hi Jordan,

Firefox 47 disabled XRender support by default. Go to about:settings and
search for xrender, set the property to true. That made it a lot better for


Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2016 12:34:32 +0300
From: Jordan Sokolic <>
Subject: [X2Go-User] Web browser performance over X2Go
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I use a web frontend for work that runs locally on my server over X2Go for
about one year with success.
Some months ago I noticed a significant decrease in performance when using
Firefox. My server is running Ubuntu 16.04 with MATE desktop, Windows 10
client. Up to Firefox version 39.0.3 performance of loading pages,
scrolling, browsing etc. was nearly flawless over a 5Mbit WAN link (with
the exception of embedded video elements). However it seems the release of
Firefox version 40.0 introduced some changes in rendering (see that do not play
nice with X2Go. Further reduction in performance was noticed in versions
46.0 and 48.0. The current release (48.0) even has trouble rendering a
plain text document without lag and choppiness.
I have tried toggling various flags relating to graphics, compositing,
rendering, etc. to no avail.
To work around this problem the only solution I have found is to forward
ports over a separate SSH tunnel and browse locally, but this is cumbersome
to set up every time I need to connect.
I have preferred Firefox to Chrome over X2Go because the latter has always
been unusably slow; now they are both similarly choppy and slow.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Any advice or help would be appreciated.


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