
First of all, let me say thanks for providing X2Go, it's really great, I am now using it everywhere instead of nomachine/freenx, which I have enjoyed using for more than 10 years..

Now, I do have a recent use-case where I'd like to play-back video over x2go, and I came across the mTelePlayer project; I saw that there are Ubuntu packages in a PPA, but I am not totally sure how to set it up - when I just start mTelePlayer on my remote x2go desktop, it just gives me this message:

"No Telekinesis local socket available at: <someDir>
Is Telekinesis even running?"

Now, I am not sure where I have to run what; on my x2go server, I installed mteleplayer, and then also both telekinesis-client and -server. I then further installed both telekinesis also on the machine I use as a client, and opened a new x2go session - still the same message. I searched around, but couldn't find any Howto/readme.

Could you help me out with some short instructions?

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