On 28.02.2017 11:43 PM, Norman Gaywood wrote:
> This might be the update to Mesa in Fedora
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1427174
> A lot of programs won't start in my XFCE desktop under x2go. Even 
> xfce4-terminal
> The temporary fix is to downgrade mesa:
> dnf downgrade mesa-libGL --allowerasing

Very useful information, thanks!

I had the user run glxinfo and on Fedora 25, he got the exact same message.

I wasn't able to reproduce it on Debian Jessie. There, glxinfo could query the
GLX version information correctly and also reported working direct rendering via
SGI 1.2/MESA 1.4 Gallium software renderer (or the like, I don't remember the
specifics, but certainly not an error.)

Initially I thought this might be a problem with nx-libs. If it's really a bug
in MESA, that would be good, because is a chance this problem can be fixed by
fixing up MESA itself.


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