On 11/01/2017 11:40 AM, Thomas Porschberg wrote:
> $ps -ef | grep x2go
> root     17045     1  0 11:06 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/perl 
> /usr/sbin/x2gocleansessions
> pberg    20099  7153  0 11:11 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/x2godesktopsharing
> My client is a laptop, also running Ubuntu 16.04.
> When I create a new session I see on my laptop both physical monitors from 
> the server,
> divided vertically and of course blurred.
> This is not usable. Can I somehow the client configure in way that I can 
> switch between the two physical monitors from the server?

If you are connecting to the local X display, this isn't possible currently.

Alternatively, switch the scaling mode via Ctrl-Alt-R. Afterwards, the image
should be non-scaled and navigation possible via Ctrl-Alt-Arrow keys.

I acknowledge that this isn't great, since the huge server-side window is still
being transferred whenever something changes remotely.

A workaround would be to start a separate desktop session with the desired
dimension - although some desktop environments don't support multiple concurrent
sessions for the same user.


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