I'm having some issue with a session command. I'm trying to launch x2go and have it run xterm -e 'qrsh -q interactive.q -pe sge_pe 1 -l m_core=1 /nfs/opt/ImageJ/ImageJ'

This command works when run manually, and other commands like
xterm -e 'qrsh -q interactive.q -pe sge_pe 1 -l m_core=1 matlab -desktop'
work also.

I get an error from x2go saying

Connection Failed bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"
bash: -c: line1: syntax error: unexpected end of file

I got this with with sh substituted for bash above, then tried on Windows 7 x64.

Any ideas?
James Pulver
CLASSE Computer Group
Cornell University
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