
I have made a maintenance tool to easily connect to distant or local computers with different products like vnc, x2go, ssh connections, ...

For x2go connexion, I use this command line:

cmd="x2goclient --thinclient --kbd-type=pc105/fr --autologin --link=lan --clipboard=both --close-disconnect --session="+trim(sUser)+"@"+trim(sMachine)+" &"

To change the connection type, I first modify command in .x2goclient/sessions before connecting
If I connect changing command to XFCE, it works directly
If I connect changing to SHADOW, if works, but x2go ask me for : display :0 or display :50 , and also if I want complete access (what I want) If I choose 0, it works, and also with 50, but in this case, no shared display as with XFCE

In .x2go folder, I have this files :

S-alain-50-1516374453_stDXFCE_dp24 which is generated by XFCE connection
S-alain-51-1516383729_stS1XSHADalainXSHADPP0_dp24 which is generated by local connectiondisplay :0 S-alain-51-1516383880_stS1XSHADalainXSHADPP50_dp24 which is generated by local connectiondisplay :50

What are the differences between XFCE and local :50 connections ?

Is there a way with some parameters to launch directly x2go local session ?

Another minor problem:

When I open a session from my desktop (1280x1024) on a notepad which has a screen of 1440x900) with x11vnc, I apply a correction of the screen size (about 0.88 for this computer) to have a complete display of the server screen.
Is there a way to do such thing with x2go ?
I have found the .x2goclient/sizes.

size=@Size(1175 747)
pos=@Point(94 113)

Can I change it in this file or is it better to change it in .x2goclient/sessions ?

Thanks for this nice product.

Alain Aupeix
U.buntu 12.04 & Xu.buntu 16.04 | G.ramps 3.4.9-1 | H.arbour 3.2.0dev (2018-01-05 14:38) | Hw.Gui (2637)
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