* On 01/16/2018 02:32 AM, Andrew Munn wrote:
> I get reasonable output from x2golistsessions_root.  I also see a matching 
> directory in /tmp/.x2go-$user/ containing 3 files:
> [root@hercules C-andrew-51-1513021653_stDMATE_dp24]# ls
> total 12
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew andrew  1 Jan 10 08:56 options
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew andrew 12 Jan 10 08:56 sshd.pid
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew andrew  8 Jan 10 08:56 state
> [root@hercules C-andrew-51-1513021653_stDMATE_dp24]#

Hm, that doesn't look right. A suspended session's directory should contain many
more files, like a spool symlink, a cache directory, a mimebox symlink, an
options file, a cmdoutput file, a state file and maybe others.

I really do believe that something is deleting files in /tmp/ without you
knowing it!

Did you really check for a cron job or the like that might clean up /tmp/? It
looks like CentOS 7 has this configurable in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf and
uses systemd for that purpose.


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