I’d like to add:

Utterly fearless, I followed the instructions to set up TCE Live as they are.

I managed to solve the pxelinux issue temporarily by copying all needed files 
into the tftp root.

Currently I only have one issue left:

I prepared a x2go-tce.sessionsx2go-tce.sessions file as described.
The X2Go client of the thin client does not fetch it. I don’t see any errors in 
log files, and according to the http server log, the thin client doesn’t even 
try to fetch something.

Any hints?

Kind regards,


> Am 30.04.2018 um 15:53 schrieb Jens Bürger <jbuer...@arcor.de>:
> Dear people of X2Go,
> I did a fresh install of Debian 9 in a VM. I installed X2Go as stated here:
> https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:installation:x2goserver
> Then I tried to install the thin client environment as explained here:
> https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:advanced:tce:install
> I did not manage to get it running. 
> First, I tried x2gothinclient_create with mainly the default options.
> The process aborted, in between 404s came up because the x2go-repos 
> apparently don’t have wheezy support anymore.
> Then I switched to stretch and tried again.
> This seemed to work out, but the following links in /srv/tftp are broken 
> (i.e. the files are missing)
> pxelinux.0 -> /usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0
> vesamenu.c32 -> /usr/lib/syslinux/vesamenu.c32
> memtest86+.bin -> /opt/x2gothinclient/chroot/boot/memtest86+.bin
> In a third try, I changed the release to jessie and started 
> x2gothinclient_create over.
> The process then aborts with unmet dependencies of x2goclient-chroot…
> I meanwhile noticed the existence of TCE Live, but stating "This page is very 
> much Work in Progess. Please leave a note on x2go-user@lists.x2go.org if 
> you're interested in trying this out, so we can guide you along if something 
> goes wrong.“
> So, here I am :)
> My first question is: what is the recommended method for thin client 
> environment?
> What do I need to consider if I want to use the Live method?
> Kind regards,
> Jens
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