The length of the x2go mount point spoils the output of 'df -m' such that it's
almost unusable, so, can it be shortened?

Here's what I get (on an 80 column screen) when I run 'df -m' :-

Filesystem                                                               1M-bloc
ks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
udev                                                                          38
86      0      3886   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                                          7
84      3       781   1% /run
15  10628     96150  10% /
tmpfs                                                                         39
16      1      3916   1% /dev/shm
 5      1         5   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                                                                         39
16      0      3916   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdd1                                                                   9387
72 553874    337205  63% /bak
/dev/sdc1                                                                   9387
71 225040    666038  26% /home
tmpfs                                                                          7
84      1       784   1% /run/user/1000
mp3fs                                                                       9387
71 225040    666038  26% /tmp/music.mp3
chris@    1782
00  41245    127836  25% /tmp/.x2go-chris/spool/C-chris-50-1538728587_stRdk_dp24

I realise this is a rather trivial problem but it is somewhat annoying.

Chris Green
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