
User since long of x2go, I'm now facing the following issue :

- client host is XUbuntu 19.10, with a client
- server host is XUbuntu 19.10, with a server

Everything sounds good and I can do basically anything I want (things are responsive, colours are OK, aso...)

But when running the images viewer "GThumb", the software is not launching and stops with the following error :

double free or corruption (!prev)
Abandon (core dumped)

Obviously, I made my homeworks and search around for clues. Though I find many similar cases with people having the same issue, it doesn't seem specifically related to x2go not gthumb.


Yet I send this message here because my target server is also a workstation I use everyday *not remotely* and on which I can perfectly run gthumb.

Should I look at some colour depth settings, at missing libraries, or could anyone lead me to some precise x2go settings I could tweak?

Thank you.

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