Hi Stefan,

Sorry for my late answer.

- I am not sure, now, that I "closed the X2Go session" ; maybe I didn't, I'm not sure how to do that.
However, for sure, I closed the X2GoClient on Windows and restarted it.
But to answer your question, closing the X2GoClient on Windows and restarting it doesn't make things rework afterwards (maybe contrary to what I wrote before).

- Launching ":set mouse=" in Gvim before copying and pasting, like you suggested, actually solves my problem :)
I put this command in ".vimrc".

Thank you and best regards,

On 17/01/2020 3:42 PM, Stefan Baur wrote:
First, do you really have to close the X2Go session?  I would have
expected that suspending it, closing X2GoClient on Windows, and
restarting it would be enough to reset the clipboard.

Second, there have been some changes to vim regarding the handling of
mouse commands, I believe this started with the version shipped with
Debian Stretch and got even worse in Buster.  Maybe try:

:set mouse=

in gvim before trying to copy-paste things?

Third, we are currently beta-testing a new version of the NX libraries
with numerous clipboard fixes.  Please visit
<https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:nx-libs-betatesting>  and see
if you can help us test the new version, so it can become a part of X2Go

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

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