Thanks for the detailed explanation.

For my use of x2go, I need both clipboards to work correctly.

I will try to find time to test your new version. A few questions:
1) I'm guessing I will need to clone your branch and build the new version from source?  No binary builds available?

2) Are your changes related to the Linux side only? No changes on the Windows end?


On 10/29/2020 2:05 AM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
Well, in X11 (and therefore x2go resp. NX) there two clipboards,
PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD. PRIMARY is the one that gets used when you mark
some text and paste it with the middle mouse button. CLIPBOARD is the
one that gets used by explicitly issuing a "copy" or "paste" command,
e.g. in the menu of konsole.

In Windows we only have one clipboard which works like the
aforementioned clipboard.

In order to have both X11 clipboards on windows vcxsrv offers to join
them. That means whenever a PRIMARY or CLIPBOARD action is done within
x2go the data will end up in the windows clipboard. Vice versa
everything you copy to the clipboard in windows will end up in BOTH
clipboards on the x2go side.

As NX was buggy it could not handle simultaneous requests for both
clipboard types correctly and would either mix them up or get stuck. I
have identified that problem and rewrote that part of the code in my
two branches I mentioned yesterday. But you can also prevent that from
happening by switching off vcxsrv behaviour of merging the clipboards.
That way the mixup will also not happen. However, you lose the ability
to get the PRIMARY content to windows, you will always have to
explicitly copy to the clipboard as described above.


On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 12:21 AM Norm Green
<> wrote:
Thanks for the info.

Can you please explain what noclipboardprimary will do? I read the link
at github and it's not clear to me what effect this will have.


On 10/28/2020 2:36 PM, Ulrich Sibiller wrote:
On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:27 PM Ulrich Sibiller <> wrote:
Hi Norm,

please try the current clipboard development tree:

Or this one, which has less fixes than the one above but has been
tested more:
Clicked "Send" too quickly: You can also disable primary being mapped
to windows clipboard in  vcxsrv settings. There are two options doing
the same, I suggest to add them both (@Stefan: which one did you test
and suggest to your customers?):

[Do not] map the PRIMARY selection to the windows clipboard.
The CLIPBOARD selection is always mapped if -clipboard is enabled.
Default is mapped.

When clipboard integration is enabled, map the X11 PRIMARY selection
to the Windows clipboard. Default is enabled.




On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:09 PM Norm Green
<> wrote:
Copying from Windows (Thunderbird), attempting to paste into Linux x2go
session (xemacs).

Here's the clipboard status dump:

/----- Clipboard internal status -----
     current time                    (Time) [1896297037]
     agentClipboardInitialized       (Bool) [True]
     clientAccum                      (int) [0]
     nxagentMaxSelections             (int) [2]
     NumCurrentSelections             (int) [9]
     serverWindow                  (Window) [0x20064b]
     nxagentLastClipboardClient       (int) [-1]
     Clipboard mode                         [Both]
     lastServerRequestor           (Window) [0x0]
     lastServerProperty              (Atom) [ 334][NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER]
     lastServerTarget                (Atom) [ 241][UTF8_STRING]
     lastServerTime                  (Time) [1896157976]
     lastClientWindowPtr        (WindowPtr) -
     lastClientClientPtr        (ClientPtr) (null)
     lastClientRequestor           (Window) [0x0]
     lastClientProperty              (Atom) [   0][(null)]
     lastClientSelection             (Atom) [   0][(null)]
     lastClientTarget                (Atom) [   0][(null)]
     lastClientTime                  (Time) [0]
     lastClientReqTime               (Time) [0]
     lastClientPropertySize (unsigned long) [0]
     lastClientStage (ClientSelectionStage) [0][None]
     owner is inside nxagent?               yes
     lastSelectionOwner[].client            [17] (addr [0x55ca7a3b7460]
PID [22152] Cmd [xfce4-terminal])
     lastSelectionOwner[].window            [0x2200495]
     lastSelectionOwner[].windowPtr         [0x55ca7b717720] ([0x2200495]
     lastSelectionOwner[].lastTimeChanged   [1896275867]
     lastSelectionOwner[].selection         [   1][PRIMARY] (inside nxagent)
     CurrentSelections[].client             [0x55ca7a3b7460] index [17]
PID [22152] Cmd [xfce4-terminal]
     CurrentSelections[].window             [0x2200495]
     owner is inside nxagent?               yes
     lastSelectionOwner[].client            [17] (addr [0x55ca7a3b7460]
PID [22152] Cmd [xfce4-terminal])
     lastSelectionOwner[].window            [0x2200495]
     lastSelectionOwner[].windowPtr         [0x55ca7b717720] ([0x2200495]
     lastSelectionOwner[].lastTimeChanged   [1896275869]
     lastSelectionOwner[].selection         [ 326][CLIPBOARD] (inside nxagent)
     CurrentSelections[].client             [0x55ca7a3b7460] index [17]
PID [22152] Cmd [xfce4-terminal]
     CurrentSelections[].window             [0x2200495]
Atoms (remote X server)
     serverTARGETS                          [ 329][TARGETS]
     serverTIMESTAMP                        [ 338][TIMESTAMP]
     serverTEXT                             [ 335][TEXT]
     serverCOMPOUND_TEXT                    [ 328][COMPOUND_TEXT]
     serverUTF8_STRING                      [ 241][UTF8_STRING]
     serverTransToAgentProperty             [ 339][NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER]
     serverTransFromAgentProperty           [ 334][NX_SELTRANS_FROM_AGENT]
     serverLastRequestedSelection           [   1][PRIMARY]
Atoms (inside nxagent)
     clientTARGETS                          [  75][TARGETS]
     clientTIMESTAMP                        [  80][TIMESTAMP]
     clientTEXT                             [  76][TEXT]
     clientCOMPOUND_TEXT                    [  85][COMPOUND_TEXT]
     clientUTF8_STRING                      [  81][UTF8_STRING]
     clientCLIPBOARD                        [  79][CLIPBOARD]
     clientCutProperty                      [ 261][NX_CUT_BUFFER_CLIENT]

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