On Sun, 13 Dec 2020 16:41:30 +0100
richard lucassen <mailingli...@lucassen.org> wrote:

> I have run x2go for many years now without any problem. I have two
> different servers running Debian testing and x2go,
> multiple clients running the same OS and x2go client. I run
> WindowMaker both on client and servers. This has worked for many
> years.
> Weird thing: the active clicking point for the mouse is 1 cm above the
> mouse. Restarting client and server does not make any difference.
> AFAIK these x2go versions have not changed (underlying libraries
> might have of course). I tested this on a few clients: same problem.
> It make x2go almost unusable.

An Apple client has the same problem.

richard lucassen
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