Hi Neal,

Am 26.04.24 um 16:10 schrieb Neal Becker:
I'm curious if there will be something like x2go for wayland.  I've been
playing with waypipe.  It does appear to at least work for allowing a remote
application running on wayland to be used on my local machine.  Not sure if
it performs as well on low-bandwidth connections as x2go using NX, but at
least seems usable in some limited testing.

What's missing is persistent sessions and remote desktop.  While waypipe
allows running a remote app, it doesn't AFAIK allow a remote desktop, nor

A bit of googling found nothing useful.  Anyone know if there is work in
this area?

Currently, we do not have any volunteer working on this, to my
knowledge, and no paid developers, either.
Unless Covid numbers play a prank on us on short notice, we'll be
hosting X2Go: The Gathering 2024 at Linuxhotel Essen by the end of June.
(A wiki page for the event already exists, the official announce will
follow soon). I hope that we'll be able to discuss the future of a
possible X2Go-Wayland-Integration at that event.
My rough guess is that it will involve X2Go-KDrive, while NX will not be
supported for Wayland connections. And yes, somehow merging waypipe with
X2Go's session persistence features and client GUI is probably the way
to go.

As always: Sponsors welcome, patches welcome ...

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
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