On Tue, 15 May 2012, Tom Russo wrote:

A lot of the stuff in projects.h was apparently considered "private" and
the project has rudely stopped installing projects.h even though no warning
was given that it was deprecated (a friendlier way to do this would be to have
at least one release where including projects.h would have spit out a warning).
One of the things Xastir uses was one of those things in projects.h that
is considered "private", a structure definition.  This is a reasonable thing
to make private, as the internal details of the structure should not be
exposed to the world, and access to the internals should be provided by an
API (so that the structure can be changed as needed without requiring
all code that uses the library to be fixed).

Fortunately, Xastir only used a pointer to that type of structure to pass
to various pj_ calls, and the API provides a typedef for a pointer of that

Nice.  When I coded that bit up I couldn't do it without using the "private" 
header.  Either they changed the public API or you're better at it.  Or both.  ;-)

Curt, WE7U.        http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
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