On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 10:27:22PM +1000, we recorded a bogon-computron 
collision of the <c...@stagecraft.cx> flavor, containing:
> Evening All,
> I have a couple of problems that I'm working through with the FreeBSD builds 
> of Xastir.
> Firstly I'm getting a compile error;
> > map_geo.c:2127: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> > map_geo.c:2128: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> > map_geo.c:2129: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> > map_geo.c:2475: error: array subscript is not an integer
> > map_geo.c:2479: error: array subscript is not an integer
> > map_geo.c:2494: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> > map_geo.c:2495: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> > map_geo.c:2496: error: invalid operands to binary <<
> I think these are related to the QuantumDepth as the ImageMagick maintainer 
> has switched on including HDRI by default which according to Curt's note in 
> the change log screws it up.  I rebuilt ImageMagick without HDRI support and 
> it compiles fine.
> Unfortunately this is killing the current port which defaults to ImageMagick. 
>  I can (and will) switch the default build to GraphicsMagick but I suspect 
> HDRI support will find its way into linux distros and cause others pain.

HDRI support in Magick will be a major hassle.  Everything in Xastir assumes
an integer type for image data, and HDRI makes it doubles.  I'm pretty sure
this assumption permeates the image rendering code in map_geo.c (where most
of the Magick happens).

I believe a huge change to all the Magick-related code will be required,
and I am certainly not up to the task.  Maybe somebody will volunteer to
explore the issue.  

One more reason to use GraphicsMagick instead.  Once upon a time we discussed
dropping ImageMagick support from Xastir and requiring GraphicsMagick (because
of the stability of GraphicsMagick's API, and the instability of ImageMagick's),
but back then it was impossible on some Linux distros to have both GM and IM
installed (they conflicted), and some packages that users
wanted absolutely required IM and not GM.  Maybe that has changed.  I'm pretty
sure that newer distros don't have conflicts between GM and IM.

> The second problem seems to also be from ImageMagick.  In this case the 
> upgrade to 6.7.7.(6|7?) has caused the following error message to appear 
> (from map_OSM.c in my case as I'm using OSM maps).
> TBD: I don't think we can deal with colorspace != RGB
> and, of course, no maps appear.
> I'll keep looking into this during the week as I get time.
> Xastir is working fine with the latest GraphicsMagick in ports (1.1.15) BTW.

Someone else here recently reported the "I don't think we can deal with
colorspace != RGB" issue.  If you can figure out how to fix it I'm sure it'll
help someone.  I have personally given up on IM because of how often its
random API changes have broken Xastir.

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236        http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
 one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
 oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick

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